Machinery faults cannot be prevented even with the most detailed and extensive offline maintenance program routine. Before the next scheduled maintenance cycle, unattended faults leads to unexpected failure of machines which can worsen the case even more.
Such breakdowns can be prevented and maintenance scheduling resources can be optimized with the help of condition monitoring.
Health of the machine can be monitored periodically with condition monitoring and during this operation, plenty of details can be obtained which can be analyzed. Next, trends can be drawn to reach a decisive state to increase the efficiency of machines. Condition monitoring can efficiently save millions of dollars spent on secondary damage.

Condition monitoring can also help retain unnecessary maintenance and lost production. In all types of production machinery, online condition monitoring is the most efficient, proven maintenance avenue to detect and prevent faults at premature stage. And the best part about online condition monitoring is- it does not hinder the production process at all!
When lubrication or machine components show early signs of deterioration, maintenance and scheduling manager can be notified. Costly and emergency downtime can be prevented with such regular alerts from condition monitoring system. System can also provide detailed analysis of the plant machinery health so that appropriate actions can be taken.
With online condition monitoring, a number of diversified technologies can be combined to provide the most effective and affordable machinery monitoring packages. Modern technologies like vibration analysis, electric motor monitoring, tribology, laser shaft alignment, thermography can now be incorporated with condition monitoring system.
With this combined amalgamation of technologies, users can have surprisingly well precision level, increase machine operatibility which ultimately increase machine life, productivity and thus business revenue.Predictive maintenance can be achieved with such tools in both small and large factory shop floors. Thus, online condition monitoring, is now practically available for everyone!
Autobits can convert shop-floor into a visual factory that helps the operators to take quick decisions that drive the efficiency of production. We, at Autobits, integrate Condition Monitoring and Total Productivity Management with the help of Internet of Things.
We provide solution in a form of a gateway that is connected to the machines and our cloud, enabling high speed data acquisition. We can connect a range of devices within CNC machines, automated manufacturing factories, semi-automatic plants and individual machines.