- Solutions
Explore The Industrial IoT use Cases You Can Build Better With Autobits
By creating a visual guide along the way, the designer or developer can get input from the other people.

CNC Machine
Collect the data from CNC machines by IoT to improve the quality of production, reduce machine downtime, and increase accuracy.

Energy Monitoring
In the energy sector, IoT is used for predictive maintenance, reducing operational costs and downtime.

Packaging Machine
IIoT analyses speed, accuracy, and downtime to monitor packing machines. Tracking metrics such as speed, and accuracy help to reduce errors, and improve product quality

OEE Monitoring
IIoT collects and analyses machine performance, availability, and quality data. Help to increase the overall efficacy of the machinery by identifying blockages and areas for improvement.

In the water treatment and chemical processing industries, IIoT collects data from flowmeters to monitor fluid flow rates and detect leaks or blockages.

Data collected using IoT devices will help optimize furnace operations, ensuring stable product quality and energy efficiency.