
Janvi Vagadia


April 17, 2018


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Why IoT will be powerful?


Twenty-five years back, you wouldn’t have imagined a machine that would give money- today we have ATM machines; no watchman would have thought that a door can open all by itself- today we have automatic doors; no traffic police officer would have seen in his wildest dreams that a car can be run without a driver- today Google have successfully built driver-less cars. All these has been possible with the powerful use of Internet of Things.

Earlier, manpower was affordable while technology was expensive. Gradually came a stage where both human and technical resources were at par. Both were almost equally expensive. But lately, tables have turned altogether. Technology is becoming cheaper day-by-day. And in the upcoming years, to reduce the cost of human resources, technology will have to cumbersome for the same.

Also, seeing from a network perspective, the information that we search on internet travels numerous servers and networks in the background to serve us the correct data in the minimal amount of time. And the cost of transferring this data cannot be neglected.

It is next to impossible for the single human brain to acquire, process and analyze such a huge amount data without any device or system. IoT can be a great platform to reduce cost and enhance the efficiency of such resources.

As cellular devices are becoming smart and easily accessible, according to a survey, nearly 75 Billion devices will be connected to each other by 2020 and its market value will grow to around nineteen dollar trillion. Yes, you read that right! Internet will soon have benchmarking solutions in the field of medical, security, household, transportation, education and others.

Bottom Line:

In the fast pacing world, life without devices seems impossible and in the world of devices, life without connectivity is irresistible. IoT is surely going to be an integral part of these vicious circle.

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